E-Cargo Bike Library

E-Cargo Bike Library

An E-Cargo Bike Library for Portland

The E-Cargo Bike Library is a free program designed to help people experience electric cargo bikes firsthand and to show how they can fit into lots of people’s lives. 

Forth and Metropolitan Family Service offer test rides at community events, the opportunity to check a bike out for up to three days to use in your daily life and financial assistance for the purchase of an e-cargo bike.

Fill out the Interest Form here!

Frequently Asked Queations

What is the E-Cargo Bike Library?

The Forth E-Cargo Bike Library is a free program in partnership with Metropolitan Family Services that gets electric cargo bikes out into the community for people to learn about, test ride, and take home for up to three days! We have three different types of e-cargo bikes for free check-out and test rides. 

Electric Cargo bikes are an awesome way of moving yourself, your family and your stuff around while decreasing traffic and pollution. They are a great way to get around Portland, but there are many different styles and brands to choose from and riding is a little different than a standard bike, so this Library program is here to help you get on a bike to see for yourself.

By borrowing a bike you can experience your daily commute, go grocery shopping or just take it for a spin and decide whether e-cargo bikes are right for you. 

How do I check out a bike?
  • Contact us via phone, email, or by filling out the Interest Form to let us know which e-cargo bike you’d like to try.

  • We’ll get in touch to schedule a time to pick up and borrow an e-cargo bike, and determine which accessories you need for your trial.

  • Pick up your bike at Cherry Park Elementary School, on Mondays between 2 and 4 pm. We will arrange the exact day with each person! You’ll fill out the Bike Check-Out Form and sign our Data and Liability Waivers there. 

  • Take your bike and see how it can fit into your life! 

  • Enjoy e-biking for up to three days, then bring the e-bike back to your pre-arranged drop-off location and time.

  • You can borrow an e-bike more than once.

    The Library does not have a single physical location, it pops up at Metropolitan Family Service and The Street Trust events.

When can I test a bike?

The PEBEL E-Bike Library will pop up at Metropolitan Family Service and The Street Trust events throughout Fall 2024! Fill out the interest form to stay informed about our next events. 

What comes with my bike?
  • Charger with bag

  • Battery and key

  • GPS-enabled wheel lock and chain

  • Helmet (optional)

  • Rain gear (optional)

  • GPS-Enabled Wheel Lock

How do I charge the bike?

Charging your e-cargo bike at home is easy! You can check if the bike needs to be charged by looking at the display when the bike is turned on. Once you've brought your bike home, you can use the provided key to unlock and remove the battery. On the battery, you'll find a charging port where you plug in the charger, which can be plugged into any wall outlet! Typically, e-bike batteries take a few hours to fully charge. Once the battery is charged, you're ready to hit the road again for your next adventure!

How do I store the bike?

When not in use, we encourage you to lock the wheel lock to keep the bike safe, even if being stored indoors.

Indoor Storage: If possible, store your e-cargo bike indoors, such as in a garage, shed or inside your home. 

Secured Outdoor Storage: If it's impossible to keep the bike indoors, store the bike in a secured area whenever it's not in use. Ensure that the storage area is secure, either with a lockable door or gate.

Do you have tips on how to ride an E-Cargo Bike?

Understand Your Bike: Take some time to familiarize yourself with the e-cargo bike you're using. Know how to operate the electric assist system, brakes, lights, and other features. Check out the display and make sure you know how to check the battery level.

Practice Riding: If you're new to e-cargo bikes, start with short rides to get comfortable. Practice balancing with the added weight of cargo and familiarize yourself with how the bike handles.

Plan Your Routes: Plan your routes in advance, especially if you're carrying cargo or passengers. Choose bike-friendly paths and roads with less traffic to ensure a safer and smoother ride. Check out Portland’s Bike Map to see the best bike routes, or use the biking option in Google Maps.

Use Proper Cargo Handling: When loading cargo, distribute the weight evenly and secure it properly using straps or bungee cords. Avoid overloading the bike beyond its weight capacity to maintain stability.

Adjust Your Riding Style: E-cargo bikes are heavier and may handle differently than regular bikes. Adjust your riding style by taking wider turns, braking earlier, and giving yourself more space when maneuvering.

Follow Traffic Rules: Follow all traffic rules and signals while riding. Signal your turns, use bike lanes when available, and be mindful of pedestrians and other road users.

Stay Safe and Visible: Wear your helmet at all times when riding. Make sure your bike lights are pn, and consider wearing bright clothing to increase your visibility, especially in low-light conditions or bad weather. 

Be Mindful of Battery Life: Monitor the battery level during your rides, especially for longer trips. Plan your route to include charging stations if needed, and conserve battery by using lower assist levels when possible.

Practice Safe Parking: When parking your e-cargo bike, use designated bike racks and indoor/secured parking whenever possible. Make sure your Linka Lock is always locked when you leave the bike, and use the chain to secure the frame. 

By following these tips, you can enjoy a safe, comfortable and efficient ride on an e-cargo bike, making the most out of your experience.

E-Cargo Bike Library
E-Cargo Bike Library An E-Cargo Bike Library for Portland …
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