Loans to Access Electric Vehicles

Bridging the Gap to Clean Mobility

couple charging their EV

Bridging the Gap to Clean Mobility

Making Electric Vehicles Affordable for All

The high cost of electric vehicles (EVs) is a major barrier, especially in underserved communities. Forth's Loans to Access Clean EVs program is designed to break down these financial barriers, ensuring equitable access to clean transportation options.

Bridging the Gap to EV Ownership

  • Affordable Financing: The program will co-create a toolkit to help communities develop financing models that reduce the upfront cost of EV ownership for those who often face difficulty securing traditional loans, including gig drivers.
  • Community Collaboration: The program will collaborate with local advisory groups, community-based organizations, and lenders to create scalable, region-specific financing models and ensure they meet local needs.
  • Maximize EV Infrastructure: By enabling more people to own EVs, the program helps ensure that publicly funded charging infrastructure is utilized to its fullest potential, strengthening local economies and empowering communities. 
Portland Financing Program
Loans to Access Clean EVs
Loans to Access Electric Vehicles Bridging the Gap to Clean Mobility Bridging the Gap to Clean Mobility …