The Forth Mobile Showcase
Bringing EV Awareness and Education to Communities

Bringing EV Awareness and Education to Communities

Forth, with funding from Pacific Power, created a Mobile EV Showcase to educate and motivate communities throughout the Pacific Northwest on how and why to make the switch to electric transportation.
The Showcase features an interactive interior that serves as an educational space with information on EVs, charging, availability, trip-planning, micromobility and more.

View Forth's event page to see where the showcase will be next. For more information, contact Forth Program Manager, Erin Lusch.
Reports & Resources
"It was SO helpful to finally be able to see, touch and drive a selection of EVs. Because of my remote location, I couldn’t get beyond internet info. This time next year I’ll be driving electric thanks to your help."
–Susan Badger-Jones, La Grande, OR.