Community Carsharing

Ensuring Equitable Access to Electric Transportation

EV carsharing programs

Ensuring Equitable Access to Electric Transportation

The Affordable Mobility Platform (AMP)

The Affordable Mobility Platform (AMP) is a nationwide community carsharing program providing electric vehicles at affordable housing locations in underserved communities.

Forth works with local partners including utilities and community-based organizations in eight states across the U.S. with the goal of increasing access to clean transportation by making low-cost EVs available to underserved communities. 

The first locations are: Oregon (Portland), Washington State (Seattle), North Carolina (Charlotte), Missouri (St. Louis), Michigan (Detroit, Kalamazoo, Ann Arbor), Idaho (Boise) and New Mexico (Albuquerque, Santa Fe).  

AMP is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).

More Information

GoForth CarShare

GoForth is an EV carsharing service. We provide access to affordable all-electric cars for users for test drives and general use.


Previous Programs

SiLVERS provided EVs to social service agencies in low-income communities in St. Louis. The program ended in March 2024, but both local organizations purchased the EVs and continued the project.

CRuSE offered community carsharing at affordable housing sites and other locations in Hood River, Oregon. A toolkit was created from the program's lessons learned.

Community Carsharing
Community Carsharing Ensuring Equitable Access to Electric Transportation Ensuring Equitable Access to Electric Transportation …