Portland Electric Ways to Work

Low-Interest Loans for Portlanders to Go Electric

Chevy Bolt in Portland

Low-Interest Loans for Portlanders to Go Electric

Low-Interest Loans to Go Electric

Forth provided education and technical assistance to Metropolitan Family Service (MFS) to help create their new Portland Electric Ways to Work program.

Low-interest loans are available to qualified individuals for the purchase of electric cars, hybrids and e-bikes in Portland. 

MFS offers residents of the City of Portland incentives for the purchase of electric and hybrid modes of transportation including a point-of-sale rebate for, 

$5,000 off an EV,
$4,000 off a plug-in hybrid,
$3,000 off a hybrid,
$500 off an e-bike.

People who might not otherwise qualify for a loan may be able to purchase a form of electric transportation through this program. Loans for vehicles are offered for up to $12,000 and electric bikes up to $5,500.

Program participants receive budget and credit coaching to prepare them for the loan so that Portland Electric Ways to Work can be a credit-building opportunity. Borrowers pay back loans at a below-market interest rate. Participants will also receive support navigating federal and state EV rebates to access an additional $4,000 off an electric or plug-in hybrid vehicle. 

Check your eligibility for this program!

Please contact Metropolitan Family Service for details at waystowork@mfs.email or (503) 232-0007, ext. 104.

E-bikes are an affordable option for personal transportation for commuting to work or school. E-cargo bikes are a viable car alternative for many people, as they can carry passengers and goods. They are also great for delivery workers in population-dense areas. 

Point-of-sale rebates for E-bikes are available through the MFS Electrified Ways to Work program.

Electrified Ways to Work
Portland Electric Ways to Work Low-Interest Loans for Portlanders to Go Electric Low-Interest Loans for Portlanders to Go Electric …