Electrified | The Documentary
By: Forth
A recently produced documentary on electric vehicles features extensive interviews with Forth’s deputy director, Zach Henkin.
The 37-minute film, “Electrified: The Current State of Electric Vehicles,” directed by Ryan Hunter, explores the history of the electric vehicle, comparing early models to current ones, as well as battery-electric and plug-in hybrids, and promotes their use as an improvement in the ongoing evolution of mass-produced automobiles.
"My goal with the film was to demystify those preconceived notions about electric vehicles while demonstrating that they are a reliable and sustainable form of transportation,” said Hunter. “They're better in every aspect, and it just takes people needing a little bit of confidence to try them out and realize what they're missing."
Hunter was inspired to make after he was introduced to EVs while car shopping and becoming convinced of their sustainability.
This film is available to watch for free on Amazon Prime and YouTube.