Forth to assist organizations applying for PGE’s $1.75 million Drive Change Fund
By: Forth
PORTLAND, Ore. — Forth has been contracted by Portland General Electric to provide outreach and technical support for local community-based organizations and businesses wishing to submit grant applications to PGE’s Drive Change Fund. The Drive Change Fund will award $1.75 million to transportation electrification projects aimed at expanding mobility options and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Forth will encourage and assist organizations and businesses on best practices in applying for funding and completing their proposals. Community organizations, nonprofits, and businesses serving customers in the PGE service territory can work with Forth for assistance on their applications or apply directly to the PGE Drive Change Fund. The application is available now and submissions will be accepted through Aug. 30, 2019.
Successful projects will include those that expand access to electric vehicles, develop new charging infrastructure, and support education and outreach efforts to address barriers to electric vehicle adoption. These are areas in which Forth has established a consistent track record of previous success and as a national thought leader.
“Communities of color and frontline organizations need clean, affordable transportation options more than anyone, but are usually the last to gain access,” noted Forth Executive Director Jeff Allen. “This is a great opportunity to increase access to electric vehicles and clean mobility for Oregon communities, and to create innovative models for the rest of the country.”
“PGE is committed to supporting an electric transportation system that serves everyone, and the PGE Drive Change Fund will help us do that,” said John McFarland, PGE vice president and chief customer officer.
Grant sizes range from $5,000 to $575,000. Awards from the PGE Drive Change Fund can cover up to 100% of eligible project costs. Applicants do not need to be PGE customers, but all projects must benefit the public in PGE’s service area. Projects that address the needs of underserved communities are preferred.
Funded by the sale of Oregon Clean Fuels Program credits, the PGE Drive Change Fund will return the value of the credits to local communities by advancing transportation electrification projects aimed at expanding mobility options and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
The Oregon Clean Fuels Program, administered by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, aims to reduce Oregon’s greenhouse gas emissions from transportation by 10% from 2015 to 2025.
For more information about the fund, details on how to apply for a grant or to sign up for the upcoming informational webinar, visit portlandgeneral.com/drivechangefund. To speak to Forth regarding details of the grant applications, contact Sergio Lopez, SergioL@forthmobility.org.
Forth is a nonprofit organization advancing electric, shared and smart transportation through innovation, demonstration, advocacy, and engagement. For more information, visit forthmobility.org.
View full press release here.