Humans With EVs

April 18, 2019

By: Forth

I drove my daughter's Ford Focus for a bit and decide that I had to go electric. As an EV Lyft driver, I spend a full day behind the wheel and travel an average of 300-400 miles in a day.My driving has charged. I used to drive like an aggressive New York taxi cab driver. Once I got my EV I started driving a lot slower and more carefully. Now I am trying to always maximize my range so my driving has become very efficient. I like to play a game to see how little of my range I can deplete each time I pick someone up for a ride! My efficiency goal is 5 miles per kilowatt hour
I used to spend at least $300 a week in gas and changed my oil religiously about every 2-3 weeks. Because I have a membership to unlimited charging at PGE’s electric avenue, I now spend a lot less on fuel and estimate that I save $1,400 a month. I am putting these saves towards paying for my Bolt!

I was, in 2011, an “early adopter” for EV’s. A person who was taking a chance hoping that this purchase would help inspire others to do something the same. In a small way, I think it helped. From two Nissan Leafs, to a Chevy Bolt, to the Tesla 3 we’d really wanted, it has been a tremendous ride for more than 130000 miles driven all electric.
Having a home Level 2 charger, it is easy to be an EV driver. That ability to charge overnight, kinda like what we do with our cell phones, was the moment where it really felt it was going to work for my wife and me. Add to that Tesla’s Super Charger Network, for out of town travel, and it feels really good. There are so many good reasons to say goodbye to gas stations and love being an EV driver. I hope you find yours.

In the mid-2000s, I thought I would only need a glorified golf cart for most of my driving needs. I have a 7-mile round trip commute and needed to drop my kids off at school on the way to work and stop at the grocery store on the way home. Most days I drove less than 10 miles on city streets with 25 mph speed limits. When I heard about the ZAP Xebra in 2006, I spent over a year researching it and other rare EVs that were available then, before I bought a 2007 ZAP Xebra. It was classified as a 3-wheel motorcycle (with 4 doors and 4 seatbelts) with a 20-mile range and a 40 mph top speed. I drove it for 8 years and over 10,000 miles. It was a driving anti-depressant, as everyone smiled and waved and shouted that they loved my car as I passed by. Now I drive a 2012 Mitsubishi iMiEV (62-mile range, 112 MPGe). I appreciate the longer range for getting further around town and the 50 cu ft of cargo space with the back seats folded down. I do miss the stripes though. I love driving electric for the quick pickup, quiet and smooth ride, low fuel and maintenance cost, and mainly the ecological advantages of electric over gas. I love being able to say that I drive a solar-powered car (from the 2.7kW photovoltaic panels on my house roof)!

I own a Fuel Yoga Workouts with my sister in downtown PDX, which is about five miles from home. Heading off to work means unplugging the car from the standard Level 1 wall outlet in the garage. I don’t use any Level 2 or fast charging at home and don’t feel like I would need it there unless my commute was more than 50 miles each day. The ride to work is smooth and quiet, and the process of plugging in to charge when I get home takes less than 10 seconds to connect and begin charging. I use the charging kiosks at parking structures or other businesses if they are convenient. Some of them offer free electricity, others don’t. It took about 30 minutes of education/trial to “figure” out all the different types of kiosk and stations but not complicated at all. The biggest surprise of owning an electric vehicle is the affordability - both initially as well as driving cost. Over the estimated life of ownership, I won’t cost much more to get a new vehicle than to keep driving my 20-year-old one.
The main reason I went electric is that the tech is now affordable and reliable as well as being more environmentally friendly.  Continuing to use combustion engines and burning fossil fuels when there were viable alternatives seemed archaic and irresponsible.

I started driving an electric vehicle in 2014 when I purchased my 2013 Nissan Leaf. I drive electric so I can support a local fuel source and local jobs.  I have been driving for Uber and Lyft for over 12,000 rides in an effort to educate people about electrified transportation all in a non-sales environment hearing from an actual owner. I work with Uber and Lyft directly to educate others about the topic. The greatest surprise about owning an EV is learning about the lack of education of electrified transportation. For a while, a lot of people thought Tesla was the only electric car. It's getting better. Now people think that Tesla, the Chevy Bolt, and Volt are the only cars.
On an average day of electric driving I'm driving Uber and Lyft passengers around answering any questions they may have about electrified transportation and debunking any misinformation that may come about.

Our family has a 2013 Nissan LEAF and a 2018 Tesla Model 3. We no longer own a gas powered car. We’ve been an all EV household for a year now. We first got the EV bug 4 years ago, and we initially got an electric car for economic reasons. Used EVs are very affordable and we went all EV after getting solar on our house and realizing there’s no real need for us to own a gas-powered car anymore. We did a family road trip down to Disneyland in our Model 3, and it was a blast. A typical day, as an EV owner is not much different other than not having a clue what gas prices are The biggest surprise driving an EV, is how responsive they are. They remind me of driving a stick shift gas powered car.

Humans With EVs
I drove my daughter's Ford Focus for a bit and decide that I had to go electric. As an EV Lyft driver, I spend a full day behind the wheel and travel an average of 300-400 miles in a day.My driving ha...