Shared Mobility: Advancing New Options

September 13, 2018

By: Forth

Shared mobility services make not owning a car easier and are helping to address growing traffic in larger cities like Seattle. With shared mobility, you can rent a car, ride a bike or even jump on a scooter! At our Seattle September networking event, we were joined by guest speakers Isaac Gross, General Manager at Lime and Alan Bates, General Manager, Pacific Northwest of Envoy, two shared mobility companies that are changing how we get around in the Pacific Northwest.

You can view the presentations below, and here are some of the highlights:

  • Lime was founded to provide a dockless, “last mile” transportation option. Now in multiple cities across the U.S., Lime offers bikes, electric bikes and electric scooters in their fleets. The electric bikes and scooters are especially useful in hilly cities like Seattle!
  • Lime is committed to making sure their bikes and scooters are accessible to everyone. In Seattle, stations are present in low-income neighborhood and Lime has established ways for riders to pay by cash in select locations.
  • In order to increase community engagement, Lime has a Juicer program where you can earn cash as a “juicer”, taking home scooters overnight to charge and returning them in the morning.
  • Envoy is a growing west-coast start-up that is bringing a unique form of shared transportation to businesses and multi-family dwellings. Envoy provides electric vehicles and chargers to properties; the fleet includes cars, scooters and bikes and offers service and charger installation support to businesses.
  • Currently, there are 20 properties on the west coast with Envoy fleets and stations, and there will be approximately 300 in the next six months!
  • By offering shared mobility services, Envoy is helping to reduce the need for car ownership and is committed to providing equitable transportation options by working in traditionally underserved communities.

You can view Isaac’s presentation here:

You can view Alan’s presentation here:

Shared Mobility: Advancing New Options
Shared mobility services make not owning a car easier and are helping to address growing traffic in larger cities like Seattle. With shared mobility, you can rent a car, ride a bike or even jump on a ...