Showcase 2020 - What to expect from the nation’s premier electric mobility showroom
By: Joe Wachunas
Three years ago, Forth opened the nation’s first Electric Vehicle Showcase. The idea was to provide a brand-neutral showroom where people could come in to test drive electric cars and speak with friendly staff to learn how to incorporate electric transportation into their lives.
In a pleasant and sunny showroom in downtown Portland, we created a space where people can test drive electric cars, explore interactive exhibits of charging technology, take workshops on electric scooters and view other electric vehicles like e-bikes and e-motorcycles on display.
The Showcase was originally funded by a Department of Energy grant. While that concluded on October 1, 2019, Forth now uses other sources, including funds from the Oregon Clean Fuels Rebate to maintain the showcase.
Now entering our fourth year, we have an opportunity to reflect on all that has been accomplished as well as how the showcase will continue moving forward.
Over 6,400 people have visited the Showcase and 1,600 have taken test drives from our fleet of electric cars. Forth’s showcase has played a significant role in helping Oregon become third in the nation for state-wide electric vehicle adoption.
Here are a few exciting things on the horizon for Forth’s Electric Showcase.
Scooter Saturdays - Forth will continue to hold safe-scootering workshops at the Showcase on the third Saturday of each month. These workshops help riders learn and practice safe riding in a low-traffic environment so they can confidently use this new form of transportation. Free helmets and scooter credits are provided at the workshops - check Forth’s event calendar for updated listings.
E-Bike Awesomeness - Look for new e-bikes and e-bike themed events in 2020. From new Rad Power e-bikes in the showcase, to an e-bike mini fair, we will be highlighting and promoting this technology that has the potential to transform communities for the better.
Product Launches - There is constant development in the world of electric transportation and Forth wants to showcase the latest and greatest. Look for new launches of electric motorcycles and the latest electric cars hitting the market. Sign up for Forth’s newsletter to stay informed.
Lunch and Learns - Forth is excited to partner with local businesses to offer electric vehicle lunch and learns at its showcase. Bring your lunch and learn about electric mobility! Contact Joe Wachunas for more details on your business taking advantage of this service.
EVS 33 - Forth’s Electric Showcase will be an active part of The International Electric Vehicle Symposium, the world’s largest electric mobility conferences, June 14 – 17.
New Cars to Test Drive - Forth regularly updates its fleet of electric vehicles for test drives at the Showcase: The Mitsubishi Outlander joined Forth’s fleet in November.
If you haven’t been in to the showcase, or if it’s been a little while, stop by to say hi, or sign up online for a test drive from our fleet. There’s always something happening at the Showcase.
We’re in downtown Portland at 901 SW First Ave.
The Showcase was originally funded by a grant from the US Department of Energy and the location was provided and subsidized in part by Portland General Electric.
We thank BMW, Toyota, Honda and Mitsubishi for loaning electric vehicles to Forth to help diversify access to different types of electric vehicles for consumers.