Utilities & Electric Cars: How Utilities Are Advancing Transportation Electrification
By: Forth
Oregon’s Senate Bill 1547 requires Oregon’s utilities to increase their renewable portfolio standard by developing programs for accelerating transportation electrification. Guest speakers from three major utilities joined us to explain their role in making public charging more accessible, educating consumers, and demonstrating how EVs enhance the grid. We were joined by Aaron Milano, Program Manager at Portland General Electric, Eli Morris, Planning Manager at PacifiCorp, and James Campbell, Legislative Policy Advisor, at Rocky Mountain Power.
Portland General Electric’s plan is to focus on consumer engagement, increasing electric avenue locations, and partnering with TriMet to open the state’s first all-electric bus line. To create an all-electric bus line PGE plans to install and manage six bus charging stations, creating an infrastructure to support an entirely electric bus route in Beaverton. PGE aims to provide education on sustainable transportation options of vehicles through ride and drive events. Partnerships with TriMet and Uber, as well as other organizations in Oregon, are one-way PGE will reach its goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by more the 80% by 2050.
Pacific Power ’s transportation electrification plan is structured around four pilot programs designed to partner with their customers and businesses in the Portland area. These pilots include: Outreach and Education Pilot, Demonstration and Development Pilot, Public Charging Pilot and Public DC Fast Charging Transitional Rate. Eli discussed how lack of awareness around electric transportation is a barrier to EV adoption in Pacific Power’s service area. He stated the importance of partnering with other organizations like Forth, that educate and engage the public on the benefits electric mobility, will benefit their programs. He also emphasized the importance of Pacific Power focusing on smart meters to help create a smarter, modernized grid and provide real time access to customers.
Eli’s presentation can be viewed here:
James discussed the WestSmart EV Program, a regional program advancing electric mobility in the western states. James highlighted the development of electric highway corridors in Utah, which allow EV drivers to travel longer distances on the four major highways in the state: I-15, I-80, I-70 and I-84. He also discussed Rocky Mountain’s emphasis on workplace charging and how it contributes to more electric vehicle sales. Furthermore, James stated that coordinating with communities is crucial to expanding solutions for smart mobility.