The Clean Rural Shared Electric Mobility (CRuSE) Project

The Clean Rural Shared Electric Mobility (CRuSE) Project
Electric vehicles for community carsharing
The CruSE Project for community carsharing offered five 2022 Nissan Leaf EVs at affordable housing sites, the city center, and tourist areas in Hood River, Oregon.
Cars placed at affordable housing sites were reserved for residents of the buildings.
A carsharing toolkit was developed based on lessons learned during the CRuSE program.
The CRuSE Project was a three-year program funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’s Vehicle Technologies Office.
Forth partnered with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) in Richland, Wash., to evaluate the affordability and environmental gains of a sustainable, rural-focused, ridesharing platform.
OpConnect provided charging infrastructure for the program. Envoy Technologies provided the carsharing platform. Pacific Power provided technical support and $100,000 in funding through their Oregon Clean Fuels Program.
This project was made possible with contributions, collaboration and input of many local organizations including Columbia Area Transit, Columbia Cascade Housing Corporation, Pacific Power, the Hood River County Energy Council, local governments, and Mid-Columbia Economic Development District staff.