St. Louis Vehicle Electrification Rides for Seniors

St. Louis Vehicle Electrification Rides for Seniors

St. Louis Vehicle Electrification Rides for Seniors

About SiLVERS          Requesting a Ride          More Info          Templates & Resources          Contact         Final Report

EV Shuttles for Seniors and Youth in Missouri

The St. Louis Vehicle Electrification Rides for Seniors (SiLVERS) Project sought to increase electric vehicle adoption and reduce transportation-related operating expenses for social service agencies in low-income communities.

SiLVERS provided electric vehicles and charging stations to the Northside Youth and Senior Service Center (NYSSC) and City Seniors Inc. (CSI) to provide non-emergency rides to elders and distribute food to homebound seniors in North and South St. Louis. 

“SILVERS places Northside at the forefront of demonstrating the technology and benefits of vehicle electrification in our community. The benefits will be a huge boost to our bottom line by saving on fuel and maintenance costs for our fleet.” – Leon Threat, Executive Director, NYSSC

This program served historically underserved communities with cutting-edge technology to offset fossil fuel-powered trips, furthering the City’s sustainability goals. SiLVERS formally ended on March 31, 2024. However, both local organizations were able to purchase the vehicles and continue providing the same service.

Requesting a Ride

Senior citizens (aged 60+) interested in receiving rides for medical appointments, shopping trips, social activities, or more can schedule appointments:

  • On the Northside, call Northside Youth and Senior Services at (314) 652-9946.
  • On the Southside, call City Seniors, Inc. at (314) 352-0141.

Templates and Resources

Forth has developed tools and best practices to replicate this project approach. View and download our templates for metrics tracking and project documents below.

Project Templates:

  1. Metrics Tracking Template
  2. Contractor Agreement Template
  3. EVSE Host Site Agreement Template
  4. RFP for EVSE Installer Template
  5. RFP for Charging Services Provider Template

If you have questions or are interested in pursuing a similar program in your area, please contact Program Manager Connor Herman.

More Info

The project was brought together by the local community partners Northside Youth and Senior Service Center (NYSSC), City Seniors Inc. (CSI), North Newstead Association (NNA), and the St. Louis Agency on Aging (SLAAA).
The SiLVERS project emerged from work with Forth, NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council), the City of St. Louis, and Bloomberg Philanthropies through the American Cities Climate Challenge.
Forth brought together a number of industry and local partners in this project, including AmpUp, St. Louis Regional Clean Cities Coalition and Ameren.
SiLVERS St. Louis Vehicle Electrification Rides for Seniors St. Louis Vehicle Electrification Rides for Seniors …