Rideshare Drivers

Rideshare driver leaning on EV

Portland Electric Ways to Work

Learn about how Metropolitan Family Service may be able to help you qualify for a low-interest loan through their Portland Electric Ways to Work program if you live in the Portland Metropolitan area.

More Info

TNC Driver Study

Forth surveyed and collected data on rideshare and delivery drivers in several major cities throughout the Intermountain West. The goal of this study is to measure the charging needs of Transport Network Companies (TNC) drivers in the transition to electrified transportation

Cities included in the study are Portland, Phoenix, Las Vegas and Salt Lake City. Forth has gained interesting insights in the outreach and will begin the reporting phase of the study in 2024. The Department of Energy-funded study is managed by Rocky Mountain Power. Forth has been a subrecipient of the grant.

Contact Forth Program Manager Ian Sergeant at electrifyrideshare@forthmobility.org for more information about the study.

Electric Vehicle Models

Electric Vehicle Models (EVs)

Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle Models (PHEVs)

EVs and PHEVs Under $35,000

Driver Testimonials

We spoke with rideshare and delivery drivers who have switched to electric cars to hear about the experiences. Guess what? They love it! Click the links below for quick videos from these electric drivers! 


Profits Up. Expenses Down.

Bottom line, your next car purchase has to pencil out. Sure, electric cars cost less to charge than filling up at the tank, but how much do you really save?


.99 cents of electric charging goes about the same distance as one gallon of gas.


With federal and state tax breaks, plus rebates from the manufacturer, you could save up to $10,000


Fewer parts could save you hundreds or even thousands in annual maintenance.

Listen to the "Plugged In" Podcast

We've created a podcast covering topics specific to rideshare and delivery drivers interested in learning more about how an electric vehicle can maximize profits by reducing costs in fuel and maintenance. 

Listen via the services below!

Spotify       Apple        Amazon      Google 

Rideshare Drivers
Rideshare Drivers …
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